Gabby White: Girl on the Rise

What were you doing when you were 8 years old? It’s safe to assume your days were spent learning how to add three digit numbers inside your second grade classroom, and after school you went to soccer practice or did your homework. Gabby White does all of that, too, but she isn’t like most 8 year olds: she has her own business.

After hearing boys in her class talk about how they are better and stronger than girls, Gabby decided to start her own business to show girls that they are equal- as long as they work hard. With encouragement from her father, Gabby started Lady Hustle, a business and online store with the mission to inspire girls to work their butts off. Gabby sells Lady Hustle t-shirts and coffee mugs and shares videos of her interviewing local lady hustlers, like Charisse Gibson of Fox19 and Falon Donohue of Venture Ohio. Her main goal: to show that hard work is more important than talent.

Entrepreneurship runs in the White family. Gabby’s father, Brad White, started his own business when he was 11, so when Gabby asked to start her own business, he found it hard to say no. “It’s no different than playing soccer. I don’t want Gabby to feel like she doesn’t have support. I just want her to learn new things and gain confidence,” he says.

The best advice Gabby has ever received was from Charisse Gibson. She told Gabby, “You shouldn’t quit if you can’t get it right;” and Gabby isn’t planning on quitting any time soon. She wants to keep working on her business, because she probably won’t get bored of it until she’s 73.

For now, Gabby is enjoying meeting local lady hustlers and writing thank-you notes to those who buy her products. She plans to make more designs soon and continue to “drive awareness” to her brand- one of her favorite lines to say.

Make sure to check Gabby White out at and follow her on social media!