Check her out: Sara Bornick with streetpops!

What exactly is your business?
streetpops gourmet popsicles. We do events, catering, fundraising, have a retail location and sell our pops at Kroger in 4-pack.

How did you come up with your business idea?
I always knew I wanted to do something with food, but wasn’t keen on restaurant hours. I took an interest in desserts, then ice cream, and then it transformed into popsicles from there. I’ve never been one to enjoy the grind of a 9-5, so this career really allows me a ton of flexibility.

How did you find out about Aviatra?
Through friends that had gone through the program back when it was Bad Girl Ventures.

What is your inspiration?
When coming up with new flavors and ideas I am inspired by travel and trying the food from different cultures. I love a challenge and surprising people with unexpected flavor combinations.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?
Getting our product into 75 local Kroger stores. And also just seeing how far along the business has come over the past 9 years. It’s fun to look back and poke fun at the way we used to do things and how much we’ve learned along the way.

What was the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your experience with Aviatra?
Confidence in the business side of streetpops, and knowledge of bookkeeping etc. Also, the connections!

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while working to start your business?
Every season something seems to go wrong, or a challenge presents itself. Last year it was the compressor on our walk-in freezer going out in the middle of July…while I was 7 months pregnant…that was fun. It’s a constant hustle because our season is so short.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
I hope to be still slinging streetpops at local events and catering, and expanding our wholesale into the Midwest region of Kroger stores.

Any advice for future Aviators?
Stick behind your idea but don’t be afraid to switch it up a little bit if it needs to be, ask questions, enjoy the moment and never stop hustling!