Check Them Out: Heather Doeberling and Emily Moes with Boss ChickNBeer!

What exactly is your business?
Boss ChickNBeer and Boca Loca Burrito Factory are sister restaurants (plus a food truck) in Berea, Ohio- a western suburb of Cleveland.  Boss ChickNBeer is our new concept- a hometown public house for Berea’s famous crispy chicken wings and local beer with the signature interactive service style that you’ve grown to love at Boca Loca Burrito Factory. 
How did you come up with your business idea? 
Public demand was for some great chicken wings in Berea- so we started testing. We perfected our recipe inside Boca Loca and started selling wings (and selling OUT) every week! With the downtown berea business area adjacent to Baldwin Wallace College, and no wing joints in sight, we decided to lease a space and get our famous wings their own space in our hometown! 
How did you find out about Aviatra?
Once upon a time, in 2014,  I was simply googling small business funding for women and came across what was then BGV. The deadline for the loan competition was that night, so I quickly got my application together, shot a video on my phone, and submitted! 6 months later, I won the loan to open my first brick and mortar. 
What is your inspiration?
We believe that genuine connections are oftentimes lost in service industries nowadays. The community in which we operate truly inspires our business. Boca Loca and Boss ChickNBeer are both driven by the idea that a great experience compliments great food- and we strive for a laugh with every single customer. A consistent, high-quality product will only take you so far. The connections that we make with our customers inspire us to keep pushing forward and re-invest constantly in our community.
What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?
Opening Boss ChickNBeer is our greatest accomplishment, but we have no intention of stopping there. Boss is the type of place that we always dreamed of- it’s brand new construction and every finish is chosen specifically for the feel and ambiance that we aim for. It’s pretty magical to think up an idea, dream big, and really go after those goals. 
We have bootstrapped and clawed our way to where we are now- I still work on the food truck and try to make meaningful connections with new customers and potential clients. Every new restaurant opening will provide another accomplishment- making the company larger than we ever imagined in 2014.
What was the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your experience with Aviatra?
The lasting connections that I have made are irreplaceable. I use a real estate broker, contract attorney, real estate attorney, employment attorney, accounting firm- all people who I met through Aviatra and have come to be integral parts of my business. Not to mention my classmates- we are still super close and we patronize each other’s businesses and stay in touch monthly! My business besties are all graduates of the program!
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while working to start your business? 
Fighting doubt. It’s hard to remain confident when there is so much on the line- weekly (and sometimes daily) I still think my business is going to fail! I will have nearly 750k in revenue this year, and I still get scared! Growth is painful and I’m glad to have a group of women who I can turn to at any hour, any day, any time for advice and support. 
Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
I would hope to grow into a third concept (we are already working on it) and expand Boss ChickNBeer  into a few more suburbs in the Cleveland area. 
Boca Loca will always be a destination, and our food truck will always be out on the streets of CLE, but Boss ChickNBeer has the growth potential and gap in the market to see some expansion into other cities rather quickly. 
Any advice for future Aviatra:
Be brave.
When you know it’s right- go for it.
If you’re not sure, then it’s not right.
When it’s right, you’ll know it- so stay agile and be ready to move when it’s time.