How To Boost Business Using Live Video

Live video streaming has become one of the most powerful ways to forge stronger connections with customers. Apps like Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Snapchat Stories, YouTube Live Streaming, and Periscope can help small business owners boost sales and strengthen their brands.

Going “live” enables people to see what’s happening with your business in real-time and offers a more personal view of what your company does and who the faces are behind your logo.

Here are some ideas to help you go live with content that will engage viewers and shine the spotlight on your small business’s strengths.

  • Introduce a new product or service. Live video provides a memorable way to communicate features and benefits and get people excited about your new offerings.
  • Feature product demonstrations and how-tos. Live video offers an effective way to demonstrate how products work and teach customers how to use your products. “Seeing is believing.”
  • Introduce a new team member. Sharing the credentials, capabilities, and personalities of new employees can facilitate a stronger personal connection with customers and enhance customers’ confidence in what your business can accomplish.
  • Interview a raving fan customer and share their success story. This type of live word-of-mouth testimonial can serve as a powerful endorsement of your products and services.
  • Feature your company participating in a community cause. Capturing real-time moments of your team giving back to the community can build a stronger emotional connection with customers. People feel good about supporting businesses that commit themselves to causes that help those in need.

Gearing Up To Go Live

Before you use live video for the first time, consider watching how other brands that sell products and services similar to yours are using live video streaming tools. That will help you generate more ideas and give you a sense of what resonates with viewers.

As you explore using live video streaming to market your business, reach out to a SCORE mentor for insight and suggestions.

Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 10 million aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses through mentoring and workshops. For more information about SCORE call (513) 684-2812 or visit