Her Million Dollar My$tery: Episode 002 – Lisa Woodruff, Organize365.com

Never a dull moment when hanging out with Lisa Woodruff – founder and CEO of Organize365.com! Thanks for being one of our first Her Million Dollar My$tery Podcast guests, Lisa Woodruff!

So what are Lisa’s secrets to crashing through the million dollar barrier? Focus, pushing past the 5 year mark, and keeping your eye on the prize 10 years out from today. Lisa decided she was going to be THE national expert in “online organizing.” She determined where she wanted the business to be in ten years and drilled into that goal with laser focus! She built a timeline and stuck to it. At times she had to back up to keep going forward. At one point she hired 7 experts to focus on 7 areas of her business and for 7 weeks she honed in on each of those areas of the business and built the structure of the business to match the timeline to reach her 10 year goal. That was the secret sauce to blowing past the revenue barriers.

Lisa also always does her homework! She reads and consumes more information that I think is humanly possible and magically retains and applies what she consumes to grow her business and enhance the lives of her clients.

Hang out with Lisa and I on episode 002 of Her Million Dollar My$tery and catch her enthusiasm. I promise it is contagious is a good way!

Listen to the podcast here!