Starting a Business During a Pandemic

Are you considering starting a business? Are you concerned about starting one in the middle of the pandemic?

How about changing the narrative to, “I’m going to start a business despite the pandemic!”

This is the mindset of a lot of entrepreneurs during this time. Let’s face it, entrepreneurs are innovative and risk takers. They go against the odds all of the time. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have some great companies like Facebook, Google, and Starbucks to name a few.

According to the Census Bureau, there have been over 500,000 applications requesting an employer identification number over the last quarter. Obviously, this is down from 2019, but still an indication of the tenacity of these new founders.

I believe entrepreneurship and small businesses ownership is having a resurgence. People are looking to create their own, impact their community, and leave a great legacy.

I have found that investors are still seeking investment opportunities and organizations who support small businesses are ready to step up and help entrepreneurs meet the challenges they may face.

Like many new business owners, Aviatra – Dayton took the risk and launched at the onset of the global pandemic. We made a commitment to support women in business throughout this region!

Aviatra – Dayton is looking for women business owners and aspiring business owners to assist. We believe as the women entrepreneurs throughout the Dayton region thrive, their families will as well, and ultimately their communities will be positively impacted.

So, do you have an idea for a business or need help with your existing business? Contact me at or 937.231.8730.

EXPLORE® Cohort begins this September! For more information and to sign up, please click here.

Supporting Women on the Rise,

Pamela Cone

Market Director

Aviatra Accelerators Dayton
