HER MILLION DOLLAR MY$TERY: EPISODE 019 – Sherry Sims, Black Career Women’s Network

Sherry Sims and I go way back! We became fast friends when I joined then BGV, Inc., which became Aviatra Accelerators. She was a high-energy female founder just starting out on her journey to scale BCWN to support women across the country and across the pond. Since then, I have watched as she truly created her own category of virtual networking and coaching, specifically for the African American woman who can’t find mentors like herself in today’s corporate world.

In our podcast visit, Sherry walks us through the kinds of advice she gives the over 20,000 women in her network. Common themes are relationships, communication and executive presence. How can we command respect in the room? We can all use this kind of advice.

Funding continues to be the rub for minority women, and women in general! Part of the issue is lack of access from not being in the right circles. And, before we even get to the asking for capital, we have to be confident, knowledgeable and just plain SHOW UP right! Sherry is a master as these skills and even better at teaching them to all women.

Sherry and I continue to learn from each other on a regular basis and I know you will enjoy hearing more of her inspiring story!  Join us HERE to listen in to two girlfriends having a chat about empowering other women.