Attracting Your Ideal Customer

Studio KMR Photography

By: Katie Melnick
Fizz Creative
Branding Studio

Often times when we first start working with our clients, we find that there seems to be confusion as to “What is a brand?” and “What is a logo?” We thought we’d unpack the differences between these two very different things. A brand is much more than “just a logo;” it’s a customer’s gut feeling about your product or service. Everything you do or say will have an impact on your brand. Think about whenever you walk into a store, the music they play, the way they display their products, the smell of the store; this is all part of their brand. They want to tailor your experience to make sure it communicates their core values and beliefs. A logo is simply the expression of that brand. A logo is one small part of the puzzle that helps give shape to the greater concept of what the company values are.

The reality is your brand isn’t really about you, it’s what OTHER people know you to be. It’s so crucial this message is consistent across your website, packaging and other materials, to make sure you are clearly communicating what makes you unique from other companies in your same market.

In looking at your own business ask yourself these three questions:
what do you do?
(what is your core service)
How do you do this?
(do you have a unique process or way you provide this service?)
Why do you do what you do?
(what is your purpose? what drives you?)

Studio KMR Photography

People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it. For example, if you sell ice cream, you aren’t just selling ice cream; you are selling an experience! You are selling happiness, fun, and playfulness! Think of the experience you are generating for your customers. How do you want them to feel when they eat/use your product? This really positions you in a way that helps clarify with your customers why you are special.

Another great way to position your company is to look at your competition in your market and see where there might be gaps. This is your opportunity to find a unique market position that isn’t like anyone else. For example, our client Nine Spoons sells soup to both large and small grocery stores. When she first looked on the market, she saw there were a lot of canned soups and not as many options for fresh, prepared soups. She wanted to provide a unique quality recipe for wedding soup that was hearty and delicious and was made with fresh ingredients. The inspiration for her business came from her grandmother who made this soup so it could feed a large family. Her brand is all about showcasing quality and family. When she saw there weren’t as many companies in the fresh soup market, she saw this as her opportunity to create a product people were familiar with and presenting it in a new way. I would encourage you to try and find a unique position for yourself in the market. There may be a lot of other companies that do what you do, but how do you do it differently? Having that clear message in the market can make all the difference!

Studio KMR Photography

About Fizz

We are a collaborative branding studio, directed by Jasen & Katie Melnick. We are a husband and wife team with a passion for branding, packaging design, typography, travel and anything beer related! We believe the best brand connections occur beyond the logo. We specialize in developing strong, confident visual elements for passionate businesses. Check them out here!

Small Business Insurance for Startups and New Companies

Learn about the different types of insurance you’ll need to protect your small business and your employees. We explore the different types of insurance you may need when starting a new company.

By Brigid Connor, AmVenture Insurance Agency, Inc.

Small business insurance for startups and new companies
As an entrepreneur, you know what it takes make a business idea and turn it into a reality. From gathering startup capital to designing a website, launching a new business can have many ups and downs but is ultimately a race you were born to run. Before you plan your next move, you’ll want to make sure your hard work is protected. While your business needs will differ from your neighbors – no two businesses are the same – we’ve outlined below the common business insurance options you should consider to point you in the right direction.

What kind of business insurance does a new business or startup need?
Depending on your industry and where you live, some insurance may be required by law. You may also find that investors or business associations require you to hold specific insurance. Typically, small business will need:

  • General liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance h
  • Business interruption insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Employment practices liability insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance

Can I bundle business insurance options?
Want to quickly knock several of the above insurances off your list? Try a businessowner’s policy. A BOP is an easy way to cover property and liability threats small businesses frequently face by bundling property, business interruption, and general liability insurance. If a customer gets injured, a theft occurs, or a piece of equipment gets damaged, you’ll want to get things back in order quickly.

Do I need worker’s compensation insurance even as a startup?
As a startup, your employees are the heart of your operation and you’ll want them protected in the event of an accident. Workers’ compensation will ensure your employees are taken care of if they are injured on the job. While you do your best to maintain a safe work environment, accidents can and will happen. Not only does worker’s compensation provide benefits to workers, it can also help protect you as the business owner from any legal fees that may arise if a lawsuit is filed in relation to the incident. Plus, nearly every state requires workers’ compensation insurance for all sizes of businesses. Supplying a workers’ compensation policy will ensure that both your employees and your business will be protected in the event of a mishap at your place of business.

Depending on your location, disability insurance is also required, covering illnesses or injury off the job.

How can I protect my business from employment lawsuits?
The last thing a small business owner needs is a lawsuit, especially one that occurs from a previous or current employee. Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) protects your small business if a harassment, retaliation or wrongful termination suit occurs. Whether or not the case has any merit, a lawsuit can be a financial hardship for a fledgling business. Even with a small, tight-knit group of loyal employees, it’s always smart to have EPLI coverage in case you are ever subjected to employment-related litigation. And, depending on your needs, you can customize an EPLI policy with added protection to include third-parties.

Do I need insurance for company vehicles?
Do you have a vehicle for your startup? Whether you have several vehicles or just one, if your business relies on making deliveries or transporting people, an accident or disruption could have negative impact to your bottom line. Many businesses use company cars and other vehicles to carry out a wide range of important business functions. With commercial auto insurance, your business will be protected in the event of an accident. States also have minimum coverage requirements for commercial auto insurance, so make sure you have the correct coverage in place.

How do I get small business insurance?
Business insurance is meant to protect both your employees and your investment in your business (and keep you in compliance with the law). It’s a good idea to discuss your business with an insurance agent who can help ensure you have the right coverages in place. Insurance needs will vary from industry to industry and state to state, so an expert in the insurance field assist you in getting the coverage you need at a reasonable price.

AmVenture specializes in Small Business Insurance and works with companies to ensure they have the coverage they need for their industry, location and unique setup. If your startup or new business needs coverage, call us or fill out a quote request online.



Check Her Out: Kristi Horner from Courage to Caregivers!

What exactly is your business?

Courage to Caregivers is a new nonprofit serving Northeast Ohio. Our mission is to provide hope, support, and courage to caregivers, family members and loved ones of those living with mental illness with a focus on personal health and wellness provided in a positive and uplifting environment. We believe that when you support someone you love with mental illness, it is absolutely essential to ‘put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you.’ We know that self-care is the oxygen mask for the mental illness caregiver.

How did you come up with your business idea?

As Founder and Executive Director, I lost my brother to suicide in 2014. I was his primary long-distance mental health caregiver for four years. At the moment he took his own life, we knew that we had learned a great deal about how to effectively support someone you love with mental illness and we knew that there ‘had to be a better way.’ The idea for Courage to Caregivers was born.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

Former board member Lynn-Ann Gries heard my pitch and suggested the Explore program. I was probably somewhere between Explore and Launch – Explore was a perfect fit to hone and improve my pitch and business plan.

What is your inspiration?

My brother’s memory, our family and the daily calls, emails and engagement we receive from the many mental illness caregivers who feel alone on their journey supporting a loved one.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

SO many!!

Receiving our tax-exempt 501c3 status on July 20.

We were invited to submit a formal grant to a Foundation that typically does not fund startups.

AND .. I’m excited to have been selected a semi-finalist in the Health and Wellness category for Cleveland Leadership Centers Accelerate program. I’ll pitch my idea for Courage to Caregivers on Wednesday, February 21.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

The value of a good hook! Being concise and clear and compelling with your mission.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

Being compared to the ‘competition’ (which isn’t really the competition. Being able to articulate how we are different (and early in the pitch) is critical to demonstrating need for our future programs and services.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

We conducted a regional marketing research study, gaining over 150 returned surveys with valuable feedback​ in Spring 2017​. From that survey, we narrowed our program offerings to the top 6. In July we conducted focus groups on our proposed models​.​

​We plan to pilot our top three programs for one year: One-to-One Peer Support, Support Groups and Breathing Meditation beginning in spring 2018. ​

​In 5 years, I hope we have two dedicated spaces (east and west side) with a mobile ‘office’ that is able to take our programs and services to our participants, serving the inner city and surrounding areas.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

It’s going to be HARD work. Don’t forget to take care of YOU in the process. As we promote self-care for the caregiver, the same goes for the tireless entrepreneur on a mission. Our best advice from stakeholder interviews as we prepare to launch – focus on doing LESS better.

Interested in exploring more?

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Check Her Out: Emily Frank from Share Cheesebar & C’est Cheese!

How did you come up with your business idea?
I had had my food truck for several years and was ready to expand.  I didn’t want to do a full blown C’est Cheese restaurant, so the idea for Share Cheesebar came from my love of cheese shops and bistros around the country that I had been to. I took some of my favorite aspects of many different places and tweaked them to fit with what Cincinnati needed.

What exactly is your business?
Share Cheesebar is part retail cheese shop, you can come in and get anything cut to order out of our case. We’ve got a variety of products that pair perfectly with cheese such as crackers, olives, preserves, nuts, wine, etc.  We also have 25 seats for people to come in and enjoy a cheese or cheese & charcuterie board and other tasty cheese related dishes like Fondue!

How did you find out about Aviatra?
When I moved back to Cincinnati to start my first business C’est Cheese, my mom had read an article in the Enquirer about Bad Girl Ventures.  I was already working with a SCORE counselor as well who encouraged me to apply.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far? 
Providing jobs for people.  Although we don’t employ a ton of people, I’ve been able to cultivate several long term relationships with people who work with me.  It’s the first key to a successful business in my opinion!

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience?
Relationships developed with my customers is so valuable to me.  So many have become very close friends – who knew grilled cheese could bring people together like that?! 😉

How did Aviatra help you out?
The networking opportunities were so valuable to me.  Same with the marketing & press – before we were officially open we were in the paper several times and starting to build word of mouth.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?
Finding a work – life balance.  I was all in from day 1, but looking back I see that other things in my life suffered because of it.  My health & personal relationships the most.

Where are you now?
I’m in an amazing place right now!  Share Cheesebar is doing really well and we’re growing every month.  I’m thinking long term now and exploring opportunities to grow the business.  I have the most amazing team who has really excelled and allowed me to not be at the shop 24/7 which is pretty awesome too!

Do you have a mentor? In what ways did they help you?
100% I have a mentor – Jane Vanderhorst!!  Jane was my original SCORE counselor and then came on the Bad Girl Ventures ride with me.  We still talk regularly and meet to catch up on business, family, you name it!  Her son Parker even worked for me on the truck for 2 seasons!  Jane is more than my mentor; she has become like family.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
On a remote island somewhere, ha!  Seriously – I have no idea!  I hope that there are other Share Cheesebar locations throughout the region.

Any advice for future Aviatras?
Take advantage of everything Aviatra has to offer!  Classes, mentors, networking events, etc.  Also – remember that you have to put the work in and do your homework!  What is your industry doing?  Who are your competitors in the city?  What can you do differently to stand out?  You’re not going to get these answers by having coffee with someone in the industry (i hate those “can I pick your brain” requests by the way).  Do your research, read, travel, crunch the numbers – DO THE WORK!

What’s the SCORE: Small Business Tips & Trends

Welcome to the new monthly column “What’s The SCORE” provided by Greater Cincinnati SCORE.  SCORE is an all-volunteer organization of career business professionals and executives dedicated to using our real-life skills and experiences to help you and your small business.

Greater Cincinnati SCORE, which includes greater Cincinnati, northern Kentucky and southeast Indiana, has more than 100 experienced executive volunteers who offer free mentoring in finance, operations and marketing and low-cost workshops for small business owners.  Mentoring is provided as individual, team mentoring and email mentoring to help startups, non-profits and existing businesses.

Individual mentoring is unlimited and confidential. Expertise that will put you on the right path toward business success.

Team mentoring – they say two heads are better than one. Sometimes three and four heads are better than two. Team mentoring provides SCORE clients with several mentors at one time, mentors with different backgrounds and areas of expertise.

In addition to mentoring, SCORE offers business seminars on the most critical issues facing small business today. Our introductory seminar is free.  There is a modest charge for other seminars. Some of the topics we cover include: So You Want to Start a Business, Starting a Non-Profit Financial Management and Financial Projections, Marketing and Sales Strategies, Using Social Media for Business Growth and Business Feasibility and Funding.

Once a month we will bring our experience to you in this column. If you have questions about the information we share, please follow us in social media and ask us your questions.

Next month we will share The Benefits of Using the Business Model Canvas.

Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 10 million aspiring entrepreneurs. Each year, SCORE’s 10,000+ volunteer business experts provide 350,000+ small business mentoring sessions, workshops and educational services to clients in 300 chapters nationwide. For more information about SCORE call (513) 684-2812 or visit

Check Her Out: Tricia Reddy from Coastline Bowls!

What exactly is your business?

Coastline Bowls is ‘The Exotically Fresh Café’. A mobile super fruit café featuring #Exoticallyfresh Acai and Pitaya bowls!

How did you come up with your business idea?

I had a great opportunity, through work, to live in California! Dreaming of living at the beach my whole life, I instantly adapted to the SoCAL lifestyle! Active beach life was the best! When it was time to come home, I wanted to find some way to bring my California experience back home to Cle to share with all my friends and family…. And selfishly keep California with me! I always dreamed of starting a company by the age of 30 years old —- I am 25 years old and very fortunate to be living out that dream!

Everything that we do at Coastline is local and socially responsible. Our supply chain was chosen based on a very cool human interest story – we work directly with a USDA Organic Farms in Central America. The farmers on this farm are mostly single mothers who harvest the fruit! Essentially, every bowl purchased from Coastline Bowls, LLC contributes to employment opportunities for these single moms in Central America! Not only are you eating a great healthy treat, but also contributing to making a difference in a person’s life!

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I have been a huge fan of spinning since I was in high school, and now even a spinning instructor! A friend introduced me to Harness Cycle right when it opened about 3 years ago; being an entrepreneur, I naturally was curious about the story behind Harness Cycle. I reached out to Anne Hartnett (Founder of Harness Cycle) to learn her story & to see what advice she had for a young, hopeful entrepreneur striving to follow in similar footprints one day. During our phone conversation, she told me about her experience with BGV, which is now Aviatra. After hearing the positivity about the program & seeing Harness’s success, I was hooked. Ironically this conversation happened 1 year before I even thought of Coastline, but when I returned home from California, I remembered the information that Anne shared with me & applying to BGV/Aviatra were two of the first things I did to get started!

What is your favorite thing about your company?

The fact that my 2-year project is coming to life! I absolutely love everything that Coastline Bowls has to offer! I have been told by numerous people that it is my personality consolidated in one product! The product has a ton of community involvement, very active & engaging, fun, out-going, and socially responsible. I love that my company allows me to be everywhere and meet many new faces, while making a difference/impact in people’s lives!

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Definitely, the connections I made while participating in the course. The material & content was incredible, but the number of people I met and connections I made was the real ROI! The support system within Aviatra is tremendously strong, allowing all graduates to have the ability to align with many people inside and outside of the program! There are a few connections that I was fortunate to have made while I was going through the program that quite honestly, have helped me get to where I am today – I am extremely thankful for this!

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

The biggest challenge I faced when starting Coastline was: “How do I start a business when I’m only 24 years old?” I had the business plan, the vision, and the drive, but reality set in and I needed help navigating the path of a startup! BGV/Aviatra was an answer to my prayers and taught me the entrepreneur fundamentals on how to start a company- from concept all the way through to execution.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

I recently heard this quote from a Harness instructor: “If you enjoy the process, you won’t be too worried about the outcome.” This really hit home for me. I have been very fortunate to be on this journey and have the opportunity to live out a dream. My advice to any young entrepreneur is to work hard, put in the extra effort, and believe that your dreams can become reality. Everyone has the potential to become the person who they want to be. It may not be easy, but it is possible. The harder you work, the luckier you become – Create your luck! But if you enjoy the journey and experiences along the way, you will automatically enjoy the outcome!


Check Her Out: Catheryn Greene of Cathy’s Creamery!

What exactly is your business?

Cathy’s is a gourmet ice cream sandwich shop where we pair freshly baked cookies with classic ice cream flavors. We also offer a variety of offerings, such as churro ice cream sandwiches, scoops, milkshakes, sundaes, cookies, and beverages. In addition to our store operation, we enjoy catering events as well as attending vendor events around Cleveland.

How did you come up with your business idea?

While waiting on my bar exam results, I had spent tons more time baking and eating out. One day, I paired freshly baked cookies with ice cream at home and was amazed!

How did you find out about Aviatra?

Once I decided I wanted to pursue Cathy’s as a Cleveland staple, I knew I needed more business knowledge. Through internet research, I learned about the program, the course subjects, and network it maintained.

What is your inspiration?

My inspiration is serving and empowering others! Cathy’s is a place where you can custom build your own ice cream sandwich in an upbeat, fun place. I wanted it to be a classic atmosphere while channeling millennial vibes serving sweet and soft cookies with delicious ice cream plus tons of toppings to choose from.  

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Tons of things I’m grateful for, but by far, I’m thankful for the opportunity to share my knowledge to inspire young women interested in business through our CathyCares program. We are partnered with a local high school where we have monthly meetings, speakers, and the ability to expose a group of ladies to entrepreneurship.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Network. Many of the women I met in the program, I’ve worked with and partnered with through our business.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

The biggest challenge when starting was trying to do everything myself! I was responsible for the vision, marketing, payroll, human resources, brand management, etc., basically wearing too many hats. I realized what I enjoyed the most was interacting with customers and then leading and determining the vision for our brand. Building a team will allow founders to do what they do best instead of being too stretched.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I intend to maintain Cathy’s as a corporately ran brand based in Cleveland with 20 locations throughout the southern and eastern regions.

Any advice for future Aviatras? 

The best advice is to trust the process (even the tough stuff!) and always believe in yourself. Always.

Check Her Out: Kate Fey of Manitou Candle Co.

What exactly is your business? 

Manitou is a creative, hand-poured experience located inside a historic bank in Cincinnati’s Columbia-Tusculum district. Manitou focuses on making classic candles with a contemporary perspective — combining incredible scents and a Mid-Century space into something much more than a 70-hour burn. Our backroom serves as a Candle Workshop — a place where people can come together and experience a 2-hour educational class centered around learning, creating and gathering around the flame. With 100 hand-poured and hand-stamped American wax, soy candles, you’ll find something to ignite your senses.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I realized my love for candles was much more than just a passion when I made candles for all of my guests at my wedding and they kept asking for more afterward! Plus, I love getting together with girlfriends and thought it would be fun to combine the two and offer candle making parties.

What is your inspiration?

My family, friends and coworkers.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Surviving the first year of business and surpassing first year goals!

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Knowledge from many different people and new friends

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

Taking the leap to start was the hardest part. I had this idea for years but it took me awhile to get the courage to do it!

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

Hopefully working at and growing Manitou.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

To your research and reach out to whomever you can for advice. Be prepared and then take the leap!



Check Her Out: Liza Rifkin from Liza Michelle Jewelry

What exactly is your business?

I own and operate Liza Michelle Jewelry – a handmade jewelry brand featuring nature-,inspired, environmentally friendly fine jewels. LMJ offers an ever changing readymade collection of limited edition pieces, as well as a fine jewelry + bridal line.  LMJ also loves to collaborate with clients on custom jewelry for every occasion.  In addition to my jewelry company, in 2017 I started LMJ Foundry – a boutique precious metal casting company providing production casting, mold making, and finishing services to other jewelry companies.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I have a bachelor’s of fines arts in jewelry + metalsmithing from the Cleveland Institute of Art, and have always been making things with my hands. When I was laid off from a toxic corporate jewelry gig in 2012, I knew it was the perfect time to strike out on my own. As for LMJ Foundry, after 4 years in business, I had been approached numerous times from other jewelry companies looking for production casting services.  I saw a need, and decided to fill it.  It’s my goal with both businesses to provide meaningful and fulfilling employment opportunities for our growing jewelry and metalsmith community here in Cleveland.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I have several friends who went through the Aviatra program successfully and I decided it was a good time to build up my business skills to propel my businesses higher!

What is your inspiration?

I draw inspiration from the strong women in my life. I am blessed with a mother that has a huge heart and a brilliant mind. She taught me my humility, compassion, kindness and work ethic.  I am surrounded by strong female business owners that move through their lives and work with strength, integrity, and a huge willingness to collaborate and share.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

The work I’ve done with my clients. I love working collaboratively with my clients to create meaningful, one of kind pieces to commemorate just about any life milestone.  When I hear a client has recently gotten engaged with a ring we designed together, or when a client surprises a friend with an incredibly meaningful piece to mark a huge accomplishment, I am immensely proud of the work I’ve done, and the ability to realize my clients vision.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

The theory and practical knowledge I gained from my Aviatra courses will always stick with me, but the biggest thing I learned is to trust myself, and to have confidence in the decisions and moves that I make. You can know so much about your industry and how to be successful, but if you don’t trust yourself to make those decisions you won’t go anywhere.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

Money! I scraped together what I could and took a small loan from a family member to get up and running.  There’s a high overhead to creating fine jewelry, but I reinvested everything I made the first year to really set up an infrastructure that continues to serve me.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I hope to get LMJ to the national jewelry brand level in the next 5 years, as well as provide growing employment opportunities. With LMJ Foundry, I hope to have that business grown to a national level and operated by a business partner, so I can focus on the design business.

Any advice for future Aviatras? 

If you can’t do something as well as what you do your best at – hire someone who can. You can’t do everything, nor should you ever think you have to.  Have a trusted team and it will be worth the money and time saved.

portrait photo by Tom Sawyer & modeled jewelry photos by Kyle Kresge

How to Create the Perfect Pitch

By Elle Zimmerman

Did you know that the average person has an attention span of 7 seconds? And have you ever heard the saying, “You only get one chance to make a first impression?”

Whether we like to admit it or not, these statements are true.

So how do you hit all the right notes in your first impression and stand out from the background noise?

As entrepreneurs, we constantly give our pitch—a concise explanation of what we do with the intent to grasp that short attention span and make a strong first impression.

I am sure you have heard the term, “elevator speech” or “elevator pitch.”  It is the presentation that you share in the time span that it takes for the elevator door to close and then re-open on its floor of destination.

A couple years ago, I had the incredible pleasure of spending an evening with a group of women at Aviatra Accelerators (then Bad Girl Ventures!) who are ready to change the world with their start-up businesses. My job was to share my experience as an actress and empower them with skills for delivering the perfect pitch. (By the way, I am totally passionate about bold, entrepreneurial women!)

I taught them how to develop strong stage presence; the importance of their body, voice, and eyes in communication with others; and how understanding the “why” of what they are doing creates passion that is contagious.

Here are the tips I shared with them for creating a perfect pitch:

  1. Capture their Attention. Open with a question, tell a quick story, or share an attention-grabbing statement to pique your listeners’ interest. This should be about 15 seconds long to make them want to know more.
  2. Clearly Explain. Keep it short and simple. Share about 1-2 sentences explaining what you do, the benefits of your work, and how you do it.
  3. Close Well. A good pitch is a conversation in collaboration with your audience, so know your audience and close with an actionable step for them to take.

While these tips will lead to an effective pitch, I believe as Jim Rohn said,

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.” 

Telling your story, knowing your why, and communicating from a place of passion will capture your listeners’ attention more than the nuts and bolts of what you have to offer.

If you want to develop an effective pitch presentation and discover the unique story you have to tell, then I have a special gift for you here. Create your Perfect Pitch (from the inside out.)