LAUNCH Spotlight: Jennifer Panepinto, Painted Bread Marketing LLC

Get to know Jennifer Panepinto of Painted Bread Marketing LLC from our Summer 2021 LAUNCH Cohort!

What exactly is your business?                  

Painted Bread Marketing helps companies figure out what to say, who to say it to, and where to get the message across. We work primarily in B2B with a focus on private equity firms and their portfolio companies.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I had my own business years ago doing marketing consulting but was mostly focused on content writing. I left it to work for another company but always wanted to get back to consulting because I love the variety of the work and the people I get to meet and work with. The name is something I’ve had in mind for a while! My last name is Panepinto which means painted bread in Italian. I now use my collective experience as a marketer, business owner, and economic development professional as the basis of the insights and guidance I provide to our clients.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I worked at Tri-Ed in 2018/2019 and met Nancy at a Flight Night during that time. I was inspired by it and thought “one day I’d like to do that.” And now, here I am!

What is your inspiration?

I want to grow this business to the point where I can sell/transition it to the people who have helped make it successful.  This is NOT a hobby, this is my life passion that will lead to a lucrative retirement.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

The faith and confidence clients have entrusted in me to help them grow their businesses. You never know how people really perceive you and your abilities until you put yourself out there like this. Every client so far is a result of personal connections and word of mouth which means more to me than anything. 

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

The support from Nancy and the whole Aviatra community is unmatched! Plus the opportunity to be part of a cohort of other amazing women. I am so happy and honored to be a part of it!

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

I launched this business right before Covid-19 shut everything down, but that was not my challenge. For me, it was getting over my insecurities of “am I good enough?”  Will people pay money for my services and trust that I can help them? I am grateful and happy to say the answer is yes, but I still struggle with that feeling of ‘am I good enough?’  It gives me the motivation to keep learning and growing so that I can be the best for my clients and my colleagues.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I hope to be leading a company of people who are happy and fulfilled in their work, who have the drive and desire to continue – and hopefully grow – what I’ve started.  I am not in this for me. I want to provide a future for others, too.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

Do it! You won’t regret it! But be prepared. It will take time and commitment and you have to make sure you have the resources to back you up through the process. Ask for help when needed. Put in the time and effort and it will pay off in the long run.

LAUNCH Spotlight: Sofia Mimendi & Emily Bruns: Aclipse Campervans

Get to know Sofia Mimendi & Emily Bruns of Aclipse Campervans from our Summer 2021 LAUNCH Cohort!

What exactly is your business?  

We rent campervans – We help people deepen their connections with others and nature by providing a unique travel experience. We’ve custom built a cozy homebase on wheels and equipped it with all of the essentials so you can pick up and go. We have thoughtfully designed a campervan to take your road trip to the next level. We believe that travel, and the outdoors, can bring new perspective, appreciation, and increase a person’s happiness. By renting a campervan, we help you make the memories of a lifetime. 

How did you come up with your business idea?  

Sofia and I met while training for a marathon. We became fast friends over our love to travel, explore, and spend time outside. Sofia, being new to camping, and myself, being an avid camper, we both loved the idea of campervans. We were both at a point in our lives to start a new challenge and put our energy into something we loved. 

How did you find out about Aviatra?  

All of my adult life, I have been an art teacher and though I could run a classroom, I didn’t know anything about running a business. Sofia went to school for business, but hadn’t run her own and knew nothing about the rental industry, so I reached out to the Score Mentorship program. After a few sessions, they suggested we apply. 

What is your inspiration?  

Sofia and I share a strong passion for the environment. We believe by helping people get out into the parks, and the wilderness, they will connect, appreciate, and help protect our environment. Sofia and I also believe life is about meaningful experiences, connecting with others and yourself. We have been super lucky to use the van and have some really amazing adventures! Really, experiences we will never forget.   

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?  

Last year was a WILD ride! We went from, shelter in place and all bookings were canceled, to self-contained campervan was the only way people felt comfortable traveling. We couldn’t keep up with demand. It couldn’t be more fulfilling to provide something that could help people last year. We are very grateful.  

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?  

It is still early, but so far, I really appreciate the community. Getting to talk to and hear about other women who are passionate about what they are doing. Everyone is different, and brings unique perspective and knowledge to problems we all share as new business owners. 

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?  

Going from being a teacher all my life to starting a business is a steep learning curve. COVID accelerated our business, but also that learning curve. We went all in with our time, finances, and energy. Everything we had we put into the business. Now we want to continue to grow, take it to the next level but, like most start-up businesses, we need funding. 

Any advice for future Aviatras?  

Definitely set aside time to digest everything. It is a lot of info and it can be overwhelming. I try to take in as much as I can during class then I set aside time later to think about how I can apply it specifically to our business.  

LAUNCH Spotlight: Abby Farr, Tillage Clothing Co.

Get to know Abby Farr of Tillage Clothing Co. from our Summer 2021 LAUNCH Cohort!

What exactly is your business?

Tillage Clothing is a sustainable brand, with all apparel made in the USA, that gives back to the fight against human trafficking.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I came up with my business concept while living in Encinitas, California, a beach town in North County, San Diego. I loved shopping local boutiques with an eye for unique brands, particularly those made in the U.S. I tried on a pair of $250 LA-made trousers and couldn’t resist buying them. Once I got them home, I realized how rarely I may end up wearing them, as a surfer girl who spent most of her spare time in a wet suit vs. high fashion. However, this very purchase sparked the idea to create a pant with some similar lines with much more casual, versatile fabric, and before I knew it, I recruited a sewer friend to help me sew my first design.

Having an entrepreneurial spirit from childhood, and an advocate against human trafficking from my mid-twenties, I knew whatever business I would actualize would have to give back to this cause.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

Honestly, I have to give COVID a lot of credit for this one. I contracted the virus in January 2021, and, living with my parents at the time, I forced myself into hibernation in their finished basement for two weeks. With zero energy to do much else, I spent a fair amount of time networking, which is where I found Scott Adams on LinkedIn. He and I scheduled a phone meeting, and before it was over, he was singing praises to Nancy Aichholz and highly recommended I connect with her regarding the program. He thought it might be a great fit for me, where I was with my business and my desire to take Tillage to the next level.

What is your inspiration?

I would have to say my inspiration is two-fold. In regard to my apparel designs, leading with a women’s pant, was inspired by my grandmother, who wore fabulous pantsuits as she taught piano and voice at multiple colleges in Tennessee, when most women of her generation swore by dresses and skirts. In my core, comfortable pants are a go-to for my outdoor, free-spirited, adventurous life. And I wanted to offer such a style to other strong, independent women.

As for the cause, I first became aware of modern-day slavery in my 20s, watching heart-gripping footage of young girls being trafficked in India. Something in me broke for them and felt some deeper connection, as well as a compulsion to do something. I’ve never been able to let that go.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Honestly, I would have to say my biggest accomplishment so far is running a successful Kickstarter campaign to get Tillage off the ground. It was an extremely focused, well-researched and planned out event, with press and live launch events built into it. It felt like a simulation of running the actual business. Plus, it built a solid foundation customer base, helped network and reconnect with long lost friends. The platform was an excellent resource for sorting out brand identity and direction as well, and forced me to have my business plan in order before putting Tillage out there to the masses.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

So far, as much as may have thought I already knew about marketing, from my college degree and the active practice of it the past 5 years of running my business; from PR to Social Media to SEO, so many knowledge bombs have been dropped into my lap, Aviatra is giving me the confidence and essential tools to implement for the duration of running Tillage. I’m also really looking forward to learning from the financial experts the program brings in and apply that information.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

Myself. Since most of my experience in the fashion industry, up to that point, was experiential and unique connections, but no degree in the field, it was easy to second guess my design ideas, plans and strategies against the pros in the industry, and a cut-throat one none-the-less. I had to become comfortable with owning my own flow, finding trusted advisors, and utilizing thick skin and grit, to overcome that adversity. Now I can consider Tillage a pioneer in the “jogger” and athleisure world.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

Five years from now, I hope to be accruing a $1 million plus, in revenue, mostly through the direct-sale-to-consumer model. I want to be writing my first book to be published. I hope to have a small, outstanding staff that not only generate great wealth for the company but find the brand to be the most satisfying work environment and team culture. Mobility-wise, I want to have fine-tuned systems in place, so I can work remotely from anywhere. That entails a lot of travel, as Tillage grows nationwide and internationally. Five years from now, I want Tillage to be the go to brand for the conscious shopper, which, by then I dream of being the norm rather than the exception.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

If I could offer advice for future Aviatras, I would say, put on your life jacket, and be prepared to take a deep dive into your business and goals. You are going to get gritty with them through the program, and you will need to block out the time and mental focus to take it seriously and soak it up. You will get out of it what you put into it. There is so much rich application to take your business to the next level. Another consideration is how impactful your cohort of other Aviatras will be to help encourage you and keep you motivated through the program. They are a wonderful support system that will help get you through. Meanwhile, the knowledge, resources and connections the expert guests share are priceless.

LAUNCH Spotlight: Andrea Minnillo, The Girl Republic

Get to know Andrea Minnillo of The Girl Republic from our Summer 2021 LAUNCH Cohort!

What exactly is your business?   

The Girl Republic offers apparel and accessories for GIRLS who are passionate about breaking gender barriers.   

How did you come up with your business idea?  

I guess through life experiences. I was frustrated when my first daughter was born and all her clothing options depicted princesses and girls sitting around being pretty. I feel clothing speaks to children more than we know from birth, and I set out to start a business to participate in changing the status quo when it comes to girls clothing options.  

How did you find out about Aviatra?   

I met Nancy A. at a book club where during an ice breaker I shared I started my own small business. We spoke during and after the book club and instantly connected.    

What is your inspiration?  

My children for sure, but I am also inspired by my past and working towards a movement to not repeat and perpetuate what’s always been.   

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?   

Honestly, just starting it. I always wanted to start something on my own and have so many ideas, but was scared to do give anything a try.  I got to a point in my life where I was more comfortable taking a chance, and I did.     

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra? 

The network and meeting like-minded people, for sure.    

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?  

Gaining momentum and constantly wanting to change things before they have had a chance to work. 

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?   

Sitting on a beach somewhere drinking wine while my business consistently operates in the black 😉 

Any advice for future Aviatras?   

Just join the program! So far, it’s been awesome and am so glad I signed up. 

To learn more about The Girl Republic, visit

Her Million Dollar My$tery: Episode 021 – Kim Banham, Connetic Ventures

We talk all the time about implicit bias and systemic issues the impact so many people in our world. It sometimes seems like we are assuming that there are biases that impact some of us but it also seems hard to prove it. Our guest on Her Million Dollar My$tery, Kim Banham, has a proprietary program developed by Connetic Ventures that not only proves we have some problems to solve, but goes right ahead and solves the problem!

With only 2% or less of Venture Capital funds going to female founders through traditional channels, Connetic developed Wendal™ to blindly and fairly vet applications for funding. And surprise (!), or NOT so surprising, the funding balance changed dramatically. I can’t wait for you to hear Kim Banham tell the story and talk about funding for the RIGHT ideas and concepts through a blind process.

Additionally, this proprietary software is key for building teams and balancing talents, skills and interests. Listen along with us and learn from a pro how to use this system to build the most impactful team possible for your business.

You will also enjoy getting to know Kim, with her international past, experience as the spouse of a professional athlete, mom, venture capitalist and so much more. Bright, fun, energetic and out to change the world!

Listen to the podcast here.


We’re so excited to announce our 2021 LAUNCH cohort!

1. Abby Farr, Tillage Clothing Co.

Comfortable, stylish, and ethically made clothing that gives back to fight human trafficking.

“3 years out I’d like Tillage to be known as the leading brand in the US that gives back to fight human trafficking because consumers deserve the opportunity to shop ethically with ease. We will be known for the most satisfying work environment. My first book will be in the works, and a podcast established that raises awareness about the cycle of fast fashion and trafficking and interviews collaborators and those on mission with our brand, creating opportunities to promote their brands and ideals. We not only carry our own line but other brands that help female entrepreneurs across the globe. Currently, my sales are through
pop-up shops and markets; whole sale accounts; and direct sells from returning customers; as well as marketing from bloggers with large followings.”

2. Andrea Minnillo, The Girl Republic

The Girl Republic sells apparel and accessories for GIRLS who are passionate about breaking gender barriers.

“The Girl Republic was conceived during clothes shopping trips for my children. I was often frustrated and confused by the difference in girls and boys clothing subjects. Girls were supposed to be princesses with gowns and tutus,while boys clothing depicted action or accomplishment. Boys items represented passions, while girls items reinforced the objectivity that women and girls have been fighting hard to shed. The Girl Republic was founded to participate in and embrace blurring societal lines and gender barriers.”

. Dominique Khoury, Looqma

Welcome to Looqma, a pop-up kitchen, artisanal bakery,caterer and integrative wellness consultant inspired by my Lebanese heritage, childhood in Southern California, and passion for taste and health. Looqma is a celebration of the women in my life, the many lessons they have taught me, and their boundless sense of love, care and determination.

“In Classical Arabic Looqma, pronounced LOOK-ma,describes a bite, a morsel, or a taste. It is an intimate expression used when sharing food with your loved ones.Growing up around the table, family and friends would gather to eat and share, often reaching across one another with tangy bites of silky hummus or fresh morsels of pillowy bread. It is this warm and inviting sense of community that I wish to share with you. Looqma is a thoughtful bite, full of flavor, good quality ingredients and a lot of love.”

. Sofia Mimendi & Emily Bruns, Aclipse Campervans

“Aclipse provides a unique, all inclusive solution, to people who want to adventure in nature, without having to spend a fortune on camping gear,while having a higher level of comfort and amenities that traditional camping does not provide. Aclipse provides a unique travel experience for people to deepen their connection with nature, themselves, and others. Our unique value proposition is to facilitate a fun and unique camping experience by providing stylish and fully equipped campervan rentals.”

5. Jennifer Panepinto & Samantha Comer, Painted Bread Marketing LLC

“Painted Bread Marketing uses business basics to help companies figure out what their true value proposition in the market is. NO business is a commodity! Every company has at least one thing that differentiates them from competitors. We help them figure out what that is. Then, we act as their ongoing partner for marketing needs with everything from website updates and maintenance,social media and email campaigns, PR and more.”

June Aviatra of the Month: Emily Frank, Share Cheesebar & C’est Cheese

After moving back to her hometown after 17 years away, Emily Frank wanted to be part of a changing and growing Cincinnati and carve out her own path as an entrepreneur. That’s when she started C’est Cheese Food Truck, an award-winning grilled cheese truck.

While Emily was building her business, her mom came across an article about Aviatra Accelerators (then BGV), and both her family and mentor encouraged her to apply for one of our programs. In 2011, Emily was accepted into our 5th cohort and gained unmatched knowledge and support that helped her launch C’est Cheese Food Truck.

But, Emily’s cheese-related ventures didn’t stop there. After having her food truck for several years, she was ready to expand and take her love of cheese to the next level. In 2017, Emily founded Share Cheesebar, a Pleasant Ridge cheese shop specializing in artisanal cheese & charcuterie, wine, and other fabulous goodies. Whether you’re an educated cheese lover or don’t know a thing other than you love it, Share Cheesebar is a welcoming spot for all.

From the classes and marketing opportunities to the mentors and networking events, Emily took full advantage of everything Aviatra had to offer. Her experience with Aviatra opened many doors that helped her build two thriving businesses, create countless jobs, and bring Cincinnati cheese lovers together.

Share Cheesebar is generously offering 10% off all retail sales during June. Make sure to stop by, grab a treat, and mention the Aviatra discount! 

“Aviatra Accelerators (BGV) was such a big part of my early success with C’est Cheese Food Truck. From the other students and the networking to the press and my SCORE advisor (who I still work with nine years later!)—all of it was instrumental in setting me on the right path to success and reminding me that I always have a network of fabulous women supporting me.”

-Emily Frank, Share Cheesebar & C’est Cheese

Click here to listen to Emily’s “Her Million Dollar My$tery” episode.

Click here to make a donation in honor of Emily. 

Build Your Brand Identity in Four Easy Steps

By Lindsey Vanderkolk, Scooter Media

An important step for organizations of all types, identifying your brand identity is essential whether you’re beginning your own business, starting a nonprofit or looking to expand your company.

Brand identity tells the story of your company in an immediately recognizable way — and choosing the right logos, colors, fonts and other visual elements can have a major impact on the long-term success of your organization.

Thankfully, establishing a successful brand identity doesn’t require hiring a large agency, or being a graphic design guru. In fact, building a successful brand starts with a little creativity and an understanding of these four key elements:

  1. Let Your Logo Do the Heavy Lifting

A logo is the foundation of your organization and the first thing that will come to mind when audiences think of your brand — so make sure to spend time and effort in making yours stand out. It’s also worth remembering that a logo will often be the element of your brand most responsible for first impressions; carefully consider how yours will be viewed by people who know nothing about your organization.

What makes a logo compelling? There’s no “secret formula,” as it varies based on a wide variety of factors. However, two examples that we love are:

  • FedEx, not only for its bold colors, but also because of the “hidden arrow” contained in the spacing of the words, which helps to subconsciously reinforce the company’s mission;
  • People Working Cooperatively, a Cincinnati-based nonprofit that creatively uses its logo to communicate the organization’s mission of providing home repairs to neighbors in need.
  1. Carefully Consider Your Color Choice

When it comes to conveying the overall feeling of your brand, there’s no more important consideration than color choice. While you can read all about color theory and the meanings (both connotative and denotative) that each color holds, the best way to approach this element is to ensure the colors you are choosing reflect the personality of your brand.

Here are two colorful examples to consider:

  • Target‘s color of choice is a striking red — bold and direct, just like the title of the brand itself.
  • The Carnegie uses color in a creative way, as this multidisciplinary arts venue assigns each of its key areas a distinct color (a bright orange for its art galleries, a lime green for its educational initiatives, and a deep purple for its theatrical productions).
  1. Fall in Love with Your Font

Given that a brand identity is all about attracting attention, it can be tempting to make the go-to font for your brand one that is large, flowery, or a little over-the-top … but this is a crucial mistake. The most important consideration to take into account on the typography front is that your font should be immediately legible and speak to the sensibilities of your target audience.

Take these two standout typography examples into consideration:

  • Erigo, a human resources and employer solutions firm, uses a no-frills, sans-serif font across all of its materials, which speaks to the professional nature of the business and helps to communicate the organization cares about being direct and approachable.
  • Disney, one of the most iconic brands of all time, uses a font that is a little more ornate than most brands, but aligns well with the company’s values as it is actually a stylized version of Walt Disney himself.
  1. Verify Your Visual Aesthetic

When developing your brand identity, it’s also very helpful to pick a few visual elements that speak to your brand sensibilities. Sometimes, these are obvious; for example, if your business is all about selling a specific product, your key visuals should include real images that showcase beauty shots of the product as well as photos of it being used by your audience.

However, other times establishing a visual identity isn’t so clear-cut. While some industries (such as professional services) may be able to primarily rely on stock photography to communicate the basic visuals of their brand, others might use visuals that are more stylized (or may not even feature real people at all!). Consider the following:

  • Theatre House, located in Covington, Ky., uses a mixture of photos as part of its brand identity; while it primarily relies on stock photos to showcase the products available in its retail store, the company also shares photos of costumes and makeup looks submitted by customers so that followers are able to see the company’s products “in action.”
  • Cincinnati-based Kroger recently rolled out a new ad campaign featuring the “Kroji,” cartoon-based characters that give the brand a more lighthearted feel while still promoting the company’s key values of offering fresh foods at a great value.

Clearly, there is a lot to take into consideration when creating your brand’s identity — but fear not, as the experts at Scooter Media have compiled a handy one-page “Brand Cheat Sheet” to help you navigate the basics. Click here to download it now.

Now, what are you waiting for? Go forward and start designing using these simple tips, and before you know it, you’ll be creating some brand magic!

Looking for more tips on graphic design and establishing a brand identity for your business? Visit


Scooter Media is an award-winning boutique PR agency specializing in public relations, social media and digital communications. Based in Covington, Ky., the agency has been named Small/Mid-Size PR Agency of the Year for the last four years by the Cincinnati chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Independently owned and a nationally certified Women’s Business Enterprise, Scooter Media is always on the move – connecting people and driving results.



HER MILLION DOLLAR MY$TERY: EPISODE 020 – Kimberly Spencer, Crown Yourself

How does one find herself in Australia on a three-week vacation that turns into a permanent move thanks to a global pandemic? And, then, thriving in that new environment? After talking with Kimberly Spencer, founder of Crown Yourself, it is easy to believe that she would thrive in the chaos and share her amazing gifts with entrepreneurs all over the world from her beach-front home in Australia.

Talking with Kimberly was a breath of energetic fresh air! She shared that in coaching her clients, budding and growing entrepreneurs, male and female, all over the world, she finds so many of them being “selfish.” Meaning, they have amazing gifts and solutions to problems to share, but they are selfish in their small thinking. Her perspective is to share and share big. Go big or go home, because the world (or your target market) deserves to have what you are offering. In Kimberly’s world, she seems blame as an insidious game that gets in the way of success and is in itself, selfish! I was energized by Kimberly’s “get over yourself, get out of your own way, and share your gifts with the world” mentality. And, oh, by the way, while you are doing that, make a bunch of money!

Jump on this week’s #HerMillionDollarMy$tery with Kimberly and I and be inspired to reach new and greater heights!

Listen to the podcast here.

May Aviatra of the Month: Shauntel Dobbins, FinanciallyU

After working in the finance industry for over 20 years, Shauntel Dobbins quickly became the go-to personal finance resource for her friends, family, and small businesses. One day, after giving a presentation to a local company, an attendee inquired about prices for a one-on-one financial coaching session. However, Shauntel couldn’t give an answer.

That’s when Shauntel got the idea to start her own business. In 2017, she founded FinanciallyU, a financial network, providing tools and resources about money management, credit building, asset building and savings strategies, tax preparation, and notary/signing agent needs. Since then, she has partnered with countless individuals to establish and maintain healthy relationships with money. Her clients often refer to her as their “financial therapist” because she provides a nonjudgmental atmosphere and inspires individuals to have prosperous thoughts that lead to prosperous results. She also teaches clients how behaviors relative to money lead to success or failure.

To ensure a strong foundation for FinanciallyU, Shauntel turned to Aviatra’s EXPLORE® program. During the course, she gained incredible support, insight, and connections that helped her take her business to the next level. Today, FinanciallyU continues to thrive, and Shauntel is working on a podcast and co-hosts Financial Fridays on Clubhouse every Friday at 6:00 p.m. She also just published her first book, Prospering Thoughts, which is available for purchase on Amazon.

“Participating in Aviatra’s EXPLORE® program was one of the best decisions of my professional life. The resources and tools I received expanded my outlook and took my business to the next level.”

         – Shauntel Dobbins, FinanciallyU

Click here to listen to Shauntel’s “Her Million Dollar My$tery” episode.

Click here to make a donation in honor of Shauntel.