HER MILLION DOLLAR MY$TERY: EPISODE 013 – Robin Gentry McGee, Functional Formularies


“Women will save the world!” is Robin Gentry McGee’s motto–and she is doing her part in spades. Between founding and skyrocketing a business that literally saves lives around the world, giving back to support the launch and growth of Aviatra Accelerators-Dayton, and pouring time & talent into helping other women start businesses that will also change the world, Robin is living her motto!

Robin admits she started her Functional Formularies business, a whole foods solution to the unhealthy feeding tube options available at the time her father was is need of nutrients after a catastrophic brain injury, without so much as a business plan!  By turning to Aviatra Accelerators (then BGV, Inc.) she married her passion and outstanding product with real business acumen that set her on an amazing course.

Another of Robin’s mantras is “Problems can’t be solved by the same minds that caused the problems.” Instead of trying to fix a product that wasn’t working for her Dad, she went straight to her “happy place,” the kitchen, where she already had a passion for food as medicine. And in less than 5 years in the commercial space, Robin exited her business at a substantial return, and now pours her knowledge into helping other women.

Join us to hear how tenacity and problem solving changed the lives of countless people through Functional Formularies.

Listen to the podcast here.