What exactly is your business?

One Sweet Box delivers a carefully-curated and Instagram-worthy party experience. We are currently focused on bachelorette parties with the intention to grow into other types of parties.

How did you come up with your business idea?

Between a long daily commute listening to the “How I Built This” podcast and planning bachelorette parties for friends, I came to the realization that there was some real opportunity to provide a better experience for both the party planner and the guest of honor!

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I moved to Cincinnati in 2017 and came across Aviatra during my late night Googles. I had been working on this nugget of an idea and was searching for support in the area. I attended an “Open House” about their Explore class and fell in love. It was destiny!

What is your inspiration?

Ahhh, I am inspired by so many things! I truly believe that everyone should be celebrated. Unfortunately, that is not a possibility for everyone. There’s nothing more special than a birthday celebration when you are young. In developing One Sweet Box, my goal has always been to give back and celebrate more. I came across The Birthday Party Project last year and was able to volunteer for the first time by helping to throw a birthday party for children at a homeless shelter in St.Louis. It was absolutely magical. We currently support them through Amazon Smile and plan to donate a portion of our proceeds and time to them once we get up and running.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Navigating my financials! Math has never been my favorite subject. I went to art & design school where math wasn’t offered, a key decision factor in choosing which college and major to pursue. Aviatra has given me the tools, support and mentors I needed to break past this barrier. I am now finding the financial aspect of building a business as fun!

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Support. And from so many directions! I originally participated in Explore where I met some amazing mentors & connections who stuck with me beyond the class. Shout out to Rebecca Volpe and Carlin Stamm! I also met some amazing women in class who have become friends and great supporters. Lastly, having the support and accountability of Aviatra classes catapulted me from an idea to a business.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

What do I do next? What are the things that I don’t know that I don’t know? Aviatra has so many amazing resources that support from all aspects of business from branding, marketing, advertising to financials, legal and accounting. They helped me ensure that I was thinking holistically about what I needed to consider.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I hope to have supported a wide variety of parties, built great relationships with my customers and made a difference by celebrating with those who aren’t able to.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

Be Bold! Get out of your own way and get into it! You won’t know unless you try. And keep celebrating! Cheers!