Check Her Out: Becca Cowles of Vagabond Salon!

What exactly is your business?
I own a private hair studio that focuses on exceptional cut and color, while promoting an eco-friendly approach to hair care and the salon industry as a whole.

How did you come up with your business idea?
I came up with the idea on how I wanted to expand my business simply by daydreaming about it. Salons are notoriously wasteful and I wanted to build a space where I could create and feel good about what I was (or rather, wasn’t) putting back into the environment. I started to look into green business practices, things I could implement immediately into the salon and what I would want to do when I opened my own salon. One thing led to another, research led me to Aviatra! Aviatra gave me a platform to network and those connections have gotten me to where I am today. Ready to build my dream salon.

How did you find out about Aviatra?
I found out about Aviatra through online research. I was looking for resources for women in business. I loved the way the presented themselves online.

What is your inspiration?
I am inspired by the individuals I work with every day and anyone taking the initiative to make the world a better place for themselves and others.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?
My biggest accomplishment in business so far is having the courage to branch out on my own and pursue my dream. The connections I have made in my community are making my dream of owning Cincinnati’s first portable, eco-friendly salon a near reality.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?
Aviatra gave me the courage as a woman to follow my dream. It was an invaluable experience to hear that I was not alone in my hesitation to become an entrepreneur and to have the support of such an awesome network of women.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?
The biggest challenge I’ve faced is building a clientele from scratch. When I left my previous salon to work for myself, I left behind my entire client list that I had spent 5 years building. All I had was believe in myself and my craft. It was terrifying to start over but through hard, quality work and personal connections I have a larger and more loyal clientele base than ever before.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
In five years I hope to be thriving in my “tiny” salon and working with an architect on creating a Vagabond Salon that could be purchased by and shipped to stylists in different cities.

Any advice for future Aviatras?
My advice for future Aviatras is to put the work in. This program gives you all the tools to be successful, you just have to use them. Take advantage of the resources they give you and ask questions. Women can do ANYTHING and together we are unstoppable.