Check Her Out: Beth Russell with Dinner to Doorbells

What exactly is your business?
Dinner to Doorbells is a family style meal prep and delivery service. We cook meals from 1-6+ portions, then deliver to your door. We also offer lunch and breakfast options. Unlike other meal prep options, Dinner to Doorbells involves no prep – no chopping, mincing, or dicing – all meals are delivered ready to heat & eat.

How did you come up with your business idea?
After I had my daughter, Rosie, I was overwhelmed with new motherhood – much less getting dinner on the table! I started prepping freezer meals on the weekends and realized there was no service like this for families.

How did you find out about Aviatra?
I first heard about Aviatra from one of my original five clients. I followed them on social media and loved all the positive and empowering posts, so when I saw the post advertising the LAUNCH program I was immediately intrigued.

What is your inspiration?
My family. My mom, who raised EIGHT children and somehow managed to feed us all every night. She is a superhero. My daughter, who is the most FUN little person to be around and already is a strong independent girl. And my husband, who believes in me and my business even when I don’t.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?
Growing from less than 10 to over 100 clients in just over a month, and hiring strong and amazing women who are the best support system, and who have the best ideas, day in and day out!

What was the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your experience with Aviatra?
I’m only a few weeks in, but the comprehensive review of ALL of the aspects of a business is critical. Until you own a business, you have no idea how ALL of it works – I worked in supply chain for 8 years, but had very little sales and marketing experience. As a small business owner, I have to be competent in multiple fields – or be able to find people who are!

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
I would love to see Dinner to Doorbells in its own space (currently we work out of the wonderful Incubator Kitchen Collective in NKY, which is an amazing community) with room for expansion so that we can expand to other cities.

Any advice for future Aviatras?
Soak it all in! There is so much to learn – not only from the speakers that come in, but from the other entrepreneurs that are in the program with you! Every business owner has strengths that you can draw upon.