Check Her Out: Cullen Travers of Wish Supply Co.

What exactly is your business?

Wish Supply Co. is a leather goods accessory brand that is infused with positive energy and has an emphasis on giving back. 10% of all profits are donated to a company where good things are happening.

Our mission at WSC is to make beautiful products with a meaningful propose that inspires the human spirit and continues to spread positive energy while giving back. We believe that with your help we can affect the world in a positive manner.

Wish Supply Co. believes that positive thinking leads to a meaningful radiant life. Every WSC product has a positive affirmation included on the design. We believe this inspires the world around us and energizes our belief on the power of positivity. The messaging on our goods serves as a reminder to our customer that through their own positive thinking they are capable of making good things happen for others and themselves.

Currently we are donating to ArtWorks, Cincinnati We are so excited to support an organization that makes the world a better place – they transform people + places through investments in creativity. Check out our website for more information regarding ArtWorks!

How did you come up with your business idea?

I have a background in fashion design and my goal has always been to own my company and make a positive mark on the world. I have always loved color, design, and positive energy so I merged them all to create Wish Supply Co.


How did you find out about Aviatra?

Looking for education about starting my own business. Found Aviatra online while researching entrepreneurship.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

We have been up and running for six months and the biggest accomplishment was launching our website and getting started. We have completed our first holiday season and we are excited to keep the momentum going and growing our line!

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Aviatra helped me build a business plan and become more educated on the financial aspects of running your own business.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

The biggest challenge was figuring out the finances and how my husband and I could launch Wish Supply Co. without going into debt.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

Our goal is to become an established brand that is sold all across the globe. We hope to design beautiful products, inspire people, and continue to give back to amazing organizations. We hope to one day have an organization/charity of our own! We will introduce new products starting this Spring 2018 – we will continue to evolve and grow our Wish Supply Co. brand!

Any advice for future Aviatras?

If you have a business idea and curious to learn how to start or grow your current business, Aviatra is a great place to learn tools that can assist you on your journey.  Starting your own business is not easy but with hard work and a great plan it can change your life and your dreams can be achieved!