Check Her Out: Hennasha Candler with Edgy Pooch!

What exactly is your business?

Pet Grooming Services

How did you come up with your business idea?

I grew up taking in stray animals and caring for them. I always loved to see pets looking their best. There are lots of pet parents who feel the same way about their fur babies, but have a hard time finding a professional and reliable pet groomers they can trust.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

Through an email invitation.

What is your inspiration?

My inspiration would be my background and where I come from. I grew up in one of the toughest community’s around and being the first in my family to graduate from high school was the biggest accomplishment my family had ever seen. Having the opportunity to pursue my childhood dream doing what I love with pets, no matter the many obstacles I faced keeps me inspired and moving forward.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Being selected to participate in this program was a huge accomplishment along with being able to asstist busy pet parents in other cities. This program has truly given me so much confidence to keep moving forward with my business and goals

What was the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your experience with Aviatra?

That it’s okay to grow and change things within your company. Sometimes things may need to be added or taken away from current plans and that’s completely normal at times for growth or direction.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while working to start your business?

The biggest challenge I faced was having to relocate from my storefront twice due to new construction and urbanization of OTR, which is where I got started.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

In 5 years I plan to be in another 10 major cities and looking forward to starting my own nonprofit animal rescue company that houses families in need along with their pets to prevent separation anxiety.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

Future AVIATRAS! This is a wonderful program. I come from a background of not ever having help with anything and this program has saved my life. Lol seriously. You will learn so many new things to help keep your business moving ahead in the best shape possible. The women and speakers have definitely left their marks on my heart.