Check Her Out: Jessica Krogman of J Kro Designs!

What exactly is your business?

I sell handmade jewelry, stationary and home decor on Etsy.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I have always been crafty and love making gifts for others.  I love finding unique jewelry and gifts on Etsy, so thought I would open a shop of my own.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I heard about Aviatra in a business class at NKU.  We were talking about venture capitalists in the Greater Cincinnati area.  My professor was talking about how Aviatra helps woman owned businesses and I knew I wanted to go through their program one day, and I did.  I went through the program with an old business partner for a pet sitting business we were running.

What is your inspiration?

My inspiration is my passion for creating.  I love to write and express myself through my creativity.  I love small boutiques as opposed to shopping malls and department stores.  I’m inspired by all of the other creative, passionate and bad ass woman opening and running businesses.  Who run the world?!

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

This business is new for me so my biggest accomplishment is taking it from and idea to up and running while working a third shift job in a veterinary hospital.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

I met so many strong woman who are inspirations and the business owners I want to be.  You can make so many amazing business connections and learn so much from all of the people in the program.  If you have a question, there is someone in the program who can help you.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

My biggest challenge right now is trying to narrow down the direction I want to take J Kro Designs in.  I’m constantly coming up with ideas of different things I want to make so I have to reign myself in and focus on a few things until I figure out what works, what’s selling and what I enjoy make the most.  That’s why I’m starting my shop on Etsy, to figure out what people are liking before I move on to a bigger platform.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?I imagine moving my store from and Etsy shop to my own website.  I would also like to have people selling my products in their boutiques.  I could also see myself opening a brick and mortar store one day.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

My advice for future Aviatras is to get to know as many people in the program as you can.  I had just started my pet sitting business when I was going through the program.  I was stressed and tired.  I wish I would have built more connections.  There are so many amazing people to learn from.