Check Her Out: Kara Lockwood of Selfcare Beauty!

What exactly is your business?

Selfcare Beauty is a luxury skin-care brand with a mindful and self-care approach. Our serum is non-toxic, vegan, cruelty and paraben free. The packaging is made with recyclable materials and made in the US. I truly believe, when you take care of yourself, you can take care of others.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I wanted to have it all, a career, success and family. I later realized, that it was not possible, at least not all at once. I became stressed and self-care started to take a big hit, I needed a change. 

I found a love for skin-care and found it was my re-set, my self-care. I found that when I took care of myself, I was a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I realized there are more people out there, like me. So, I created Selfcare Beauty. To be an advocate and create product that would champion self-care and mindfulness.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

My husband designed their site prior to rebranding. I also found Aviatra through entrepreneurial community events.

What is your inspiration?

I’ve always had a love for cosmetics, back in the day, I did product reviews for luxury beauty brands. In my career path, I was a Creative Director in the advertising and marketing world, working on several luxury beauty brands. I was in love. The stars aligned and the rest is history. Of course, it took 10 years to figure out, that this path was it.

My mission in life has always been to beautify and care for people around me. I wanted to create something that was an experience and made you feel beautiful. I was uninspired by the skin-care industry’s packaging, usually a white bottle with a white label and black text. I wanted something beautiful and inspiring. Packaging was inspired by one of natures beauty, crystals. I’ve had a long love with them, since a very young age. As a skin-care enthusiast, I turned down a lot of promising product in my own search for skin care. Everything from not seeing results to I get bad migraines due to my smell sensitivity of synthetic fragrances. I saw there was a small pool of luxury non-toxic product with stunning packaging that delivered on results. This is where I wanted to innovate.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

I would say getting to the phase of a final prototype and formulation. And launching the Selfcare Beauty Kickstarter campaign.

What was the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Friendships, I still to this day meet regularly with friends I met through Aviatra. Such a supportive community.

 What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while working to start your business?

Can I say everything, haha. I’d say maintaining a strong mental focus, positive attitude and pushing through every new problem, one after the other. I’ve been pushed out of my comfort zone since day one, but that also means I’m learning, growing and thats where I want to be.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

Selfcare Beauty is all about people. Employees, consumers are often neglected. Feeling like another number. I want to elevate everyone I come in contact with. I want to do my part and change the world. Whether through impacting the skin-care industry. Impacting how skin-care products can help create an experience for better a self-care.

To creating a company that cares about it’s employees and not just the numbers. Last but not least, to beautify setting a high standard for the skin-care industry. Showing that products can be beautiful from the inside out and deliver on results.

Any advice for future Aviatras?

Have a positive attitude and find your tribe for support. Remember, the journey is not straight, we all arrive in our own time. To always push through no matter what comes your way.