Check Her Out: Natalie Bauman of SimplyTold!

What exactly is your business?
The Digital Mosaic is streamlined video content creation platform, using the SimplyTold app to instantly and easily capture custom content.

How did you come up with your business idea?
I’ve been a video professional my entire career, and saw a huge void for both families and businesses between user-generated content and a managed online platform.

How did you find out about Aviatra?
I was introduced to Aviatra when it was still Bad Girl Ventures by JumpStart and some other women business owners. The appeal of applying to the program was both the loan competition to get my business off the ground, but also the business boot camp to fill in the many things I didn’t know about starting and running a business.

What is your inspiration?
Even though the business applications of the SimplyTold app and video platform have become the main focus of my work, I’m regularly moved by how it often impacts individuals and their families as they document their important stories and share them with their loved ones. Knowing I’m making that possible means a lot to me. I’m starting a collaboration right now with a local museum gathering Holocaust survivor stories that gets right to my heart. I’m helping people preserve their personal and community history. That matters.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?
Because SimplyTold is a new way of gathering, managing and sharing video content, it’s taken a while for people to hear about it, and thinking of ways in which the searchable platform can help their organizations and businesses. We’ve reached a point now that other people are spreading the word about SimplyTold because they know it will be helpful. When those stories get back to me it’s pretty satisfying.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?
Aviatra required me to think critically about my business, and practicing how to share it with others by presenting my pitch over and over. While the vision has evolved since then, the process we went through is often part of my planning process. The connections I made during the class with my peers, and with the people who came in to teach us various business aspects continue today.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?
My biggest challenge when I started The Digital Mosaic was clarifying who my ideal audience should be and the business model that fit my growth and revenue objectives. Now my challenge is figuring out how to take the leap from a very busy individual with great clients and a team of trusted contractors to become a larger company. It’s an interesting middle-ground.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
In five years, I hope to have a presence with non-profits, museums, libraries and large community organizations around the country, with an online automated offering that delivers a new way to facilitate onboarding, training, and marketing support for businesses and other organizations.

Any advice for future Aviatras?
My best advice for future Aviatras is to always take baby steps. Even small momentum forward will be meaningful over time. Try things. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most people who have been successful have gotten there with the help of those who came before, and are glad to reciprocate with newer entrepreneurs. And finally, your mis-steps and mistakes will be your best teacher – try not to repeat the same ones.