Check Them Out: Sarah Kleiner & Wendy Klepcyk of Envisage Architecture!

What exactly is your business?
Envisage Architecture is an architecture firm that focuses on Retail and Commercial clients who are interested in growing their business and increasing revenues in an era where customers are looking for a unique and meaningful experience.  We are the only architecture firm that has more than 20 years of experience in Architecture and Design.

How did you come up with your business idea? 
We are both architects in the industry for over 20 years.  We had the opportunity to do some side work together and found that our skill sets complement each other well

What is your inspiration? 
Our Manifesto:
Design Matters
Exploration inspires creativity through play, fun, imagination, peace, delight, happiness and poetry to find your unique and meaningful vision.
Find Your Inner Joy
We foster a culture of honesty, health, positivity, caring, respect, love and trust for clients, employees, friends and families.
Change the World
We have a passion for equality, the environment, universal design, and helping the world see.
Challenge the World
Innovation, learning and experience leads us to find a better way, disrupt the status quo and find beauty in the details.
We listen to you, providing solutions that meet your needs and solve your problems beautifully.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far? 
We developed our brand, put together a marketing plan inspired by our brand values and expertise, attended a conference to get our marketing materials in front of our target customer and just signed our first client from that effort.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience? 
Being on the owner side, we both worked for Luxottica Retail, and working with architects gave us a unique perspective on what client’s want.  They want to be heard and understood.  That is what we strive for every day

How did Aviatra help you out
It was a good high level view of all the facets of business ownership in order to drive a successful and sustainable business.  From that we were able to prioritize each item, decide what we could do on our own and where we needed to outsource.  Branding our business rose to the top of the list, so we built a good foundation that now drives our decisions.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business? 
Cash flow!  We are working to not to have to get a loan.

Where are you now? 
We are at the cusp of working for our ideal clients, we continue to network to find these clients that we guide them through the construction journey, from site selection to flipping the open sign.  We provide peace of mind that their new space will connect with your customers in a unique and meaningful way.

Do you have a mentor? In what ways did they help you?
Rebecca Volpe, Director of the NKU SBDC.  She has been our champion, she provides advice and training and connects us with other small business owners.

Are you active in the Alumni Network? How has that helped you?
Yes, we love female entrepreneurs.  As women offering services to expand businesses, we feel that we bring skills to the table to build trusting relationships with other women that are passionate about building their legacy

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?  
We would like to have a steady clientele that builds our reputation as a strong partner that other business owners can trust and depend on to grow their businesses

Any advice for future Aviatra? 
Find & listen to mentors that give advice to overcome obstacles.  The word ‘CAN’T’ shall not be in your vocabulary.  Find your brand, your expertise and your ideal client and don’t be afraid to toot your own horn.