Cohort Style Online Curriculum: A Staple in the Female Entrepreneur’s Arsenal

We are all born and raised with different learning styles and personality types. Then add in the wide variety of lifestyles women of all age ranges experience. There is no “one size fits all” approach to learning how to start and grow a new business. Add to the equation that everyone starting a business is at different stages. Some may have just the spark of an idea. Others may have become “accidental entrepreneurs” and have actually been in business a few years, but never took the giant steps backwards to plan appropriately in order to move forward. Others still may have taken over a business for a family member or friend. Add that all up, and we all need to approach learning and planning for success at different rates of speed. For women, we also need to take into account that we are all constantly keeping a lot of plates in the air.


As experts in the field of women entrepreneurs across all industries, Aviatra Accelerators has observed and listened over the years to the challenges facing female founders. Not the least of the challenges is time management and the ever-present juggling act. Aviatra’s new AVIATRA365™ online digital curriculum is one more way we can be sure that women starting businesses get all they need to succeed. We know that the cohort approach works! Working and learning together and cheering each other on are key components for success. But not everyone has the time or availability to physically attend 9-12 weeks of classes. For these female founders, the digital solution is the perfect hybrid of education, coaching, and mentoring within a community that cares about their success, but doing it on their own time, at their own pace.

More and more women are starting businesses, whether full time or side hustle. According to NAWBO, more than 11.6 million businesses in the US are owned by women, generating over $1.7 Trillion in sales per year. with many setting out on their own with little to no guidance. An Aviatra educated woman entrepreneur has an 80% likelihood of launching and staying in business at least 5 years, indicating the value and impact of solid, well vetted training, coaching and mentoring. The digital approach is just one more impactful way to assure the female founder’s success when launching her own venture. Women need to know they are not alone, and knowledge is power. Digital curriculum is a tool to meet her where she is, on her own terms.


When women succeed in business and in life in general, our entire society is positively impacted. According to the 2017 State od Women-Owned Businesses Report commissioned by American Express tells us that “The combination of women-owned businesses and firms equally owned by men and women together account for 47% of all businesses. These firms employ 14% of the workforce and generate 7% of revenues” These figures tell us that women owned businesses continue to be on the rise, but there is still work to be done to grow those businesses to the be equal in revenue and workforce to their percentage of the total US companies. Education, coaching, mentoring and access to capital are the keys to supporting this growth, as well as the critical need to continue to force the banking and investment industries to lend and invest equally in women and minority owned businesses. That’s another discussion for another day! In the meantime, I continue to be passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs at all stages, in all industries, and in as many different learning opportunities as possible.