Her Million Dollar My$tery: Episode 001 – Eisha Armstrong, Vecteris, Inc.


After spending time with Eisha Armstrong, cofounder of Vecteris, Inc., I always come away feeling wiser, more motivated, and strangely calm! She has that impact on people.

I am pretty sure she was born this way – exuding leadership, remaining calm, and always successful–but she says, “not necessarily so.” During our podcast, I learned that her highly successful- business, Vecteris, Inc., which had hockey stick revenue growth in its first year, followed what she calls “a complete and utter disaster” of another business. So in other words, she cut her founder teeth on a business that just didn’t work, and took what she learned and applied it to Vecteris.

For Eisha, it all comes back to her personal “why.” Mindset is the most critical component of her success. Fearlessness is a corporate value at Vecteris, and putting the customer first and understanding their goals is paramount. When asked why women-owned businesses might struggle to break through the revenue barriers, Eisha sights mindset and not asking for help as two factors that can hold us back. She is also wise about the importance of doing your homework. Spend time and money early on consumer research, validating ideas, and having those tough, in-depth customer conversations.

Even though this isn’t Eisha’s first rodeo, and she did draw on her extensive corporate background and connections, Vecteris’ trajectory is super impressive and a company to keep an eye on in the coming year.

Oh, and by the way, she practices what she preaches and gives back 5% of net profits in dollars or time to organizations that empower women. Aviatra Accelerators has definitely benefitted from that mindset and generosity as Vecteris has created and developed our Aviatra365® online digital curriculum offering!

So, Eisha, while you seem calm, cool, and collected, you have an inner drive that is infectious! Thanks for sharing with me on Her Million Dollar My$tery Podcast!

Listen to the podcast here!