Her Million Dollar My$tery: Episode 004 – Ann Keeling, Cristofoli-Keeling

“You don’t know everything!” It isn’t every day that someone is brave enough to say that about themselves, but Ann Keeling, Founder/Owner of Cristofoli-Keeling and her new startup Cristofoli – an American-made, European-inspired line of sustainable branded accessories, is confident enough to say it right out loud! “Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.” Great advice for all of us.

For 21 years, Ann has been supporting the growth of B2B, B2C and Non-Profits with her high-end marketing strategy business. She now offers very affordable a la carte marketing services to start-ups, who traditionally don’t have the funds for a big expensive marketing company, but are in the stage when investing in branding, market research, and other needs is most critical for the sustainability of the business.

So, what does Ann think holds women back? Lack of confidence, not trusting your own gut, and a lack of focus or a focal point that is hard for others to understand. Great thoughts for other women-owned businesses who want to break through that million dollar ceiling.

Ann is seeing more women acting on their ideas, leaving corporate America to start their own gig. They are rethinking their priorities and taking risks associated with building the life they want to lead.

Join me in listening to Episode #004 and hear more from Ann Cristofoli-Keeling. You will come away feeling brave and inspired. I know I did!

Listen to the podcast here!