HER MILLION DOLLAR MY$TERY: EPISODE 021 – Kelly Bonnell, Main Street Ventures

Hanging out with Kelly Bonnell, Executive Director at Main Street Ventures, always proves to be a blast and is always inspiring.

We got together to talk about the importance of getting early stage funding into the hands of women and minorities. I always say, “It takes money to make money,” but that early stage Friends and Family and initial debt back funding can be illusive when a new business is owned by women and minorities. There are work arounds, for sure, but having knowledge, training and connections will put a woman on the right path to success when it comes to funding.

We also agree that financial education is critical. The more a new business owner can know about all the sources of potential funding out there, they better off they will be in the long run. Main Street Ventures vets young business concepts and rewards grants (think “I don’t have to pay that back kind of money”), and provides guidance and coaching on applying those funds.

Listen in as we have a great time talking about women, businesses and money!

Listen to the podcast here.