Her Million Dollar My$tery: Episode 021 – Kim Banham, Connetic Ventures

We talk all the time about implicit bias and systemic issues the impact so many people in our world. It sometimes seems like we are assuming that there are biases that impact some of us but it also seems hard to prove it. Our guest on Her Million Dollar My$tery, Kim Banham, has a proprietary program developed by Connetic Ventures that not only proves we have some problems to solve, but goes right ahead and solves the problem!

With only 2% or less of Venture Capital funds going to female founders through traditional channels, Connetic developed Wendal™ to blindly and fairly vet applications for funding. And surprise (!), or NOT so surprising, the funding balance changed dramatically. I can’t wait for you to hear Kim Banham tell the story and talk about funding for the RIGHT ideas and concepts through a blind process.

Additionally, this proprietary software is key for building teams and balancing talents, skills and interests. Listen along with us and learn from a pro how to use this system to build the most impactful team possible for your business.

You will also enjoy getting to know Kim, with her international past, experience as the spouse of a professional athlete, mom, venture capitalist and so much more. Bright, fun, energetic and out to change the world!

Listen to the podcast here.