LAUNCH® 2020 Cohort Spotlight: Heather Couch

Get to know LAUNCH® participant, Heather Couch of Couch Family Cuisine!

What exactly is your business?

Couch Family Cuisine is a Cincinnati-based, family-owned catering and mobile food business operated out of Findlay Kitchen. Founded in 2018, this father-daughter duo provides timeless recipes that have been passed down for generations.

How did you come up with your business idea?

Rick Couch, my dad and co-owner, has always dreamed of having a restaurant and loves to cook. He initially started out with the idea as a food truck and I helped with getting the getting the business set. The food truck idea evolved into catering and we hope to provide carry out. My dad wanted to be in a small business that he could share with the family. Cooking has always been a family initiative. He used to cook with my great grandma growing up and I used to sit on her lap to knead dough as a toddler. My grandma, aunts, and dad always let me help in the kitchen and I loved to bake.

How did you find out about Aviatra?

I found out about Aviatra through Nancy Aichholz when I was running for Cincinnati School Board in 2019.

What is your inspiration?

My great grandma and grandma. Their recipes have been loved by all in the family and we like to put our own twist on them.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

I believe our biggest accomplishment has been to get accepted into Aviatra. We have been able survive the past two years by doing small events and being at Findlay Market. We’ve been able to get our product to people and the positive responses we’ve received.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

The biggest challenge has been understanding how to run a business and getting it off the ground.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

We hope to have our own brick and mortar to work out of.