LAUNCH® 2020 Cohort Spotlight: Margo Moskin

Get to know LAUNCH® participant, Margo Moskin of SoMi!

What exactly is your business?

SoMi is an adventurous product development company revolutionizing solutions for active and working parents.

How did you come up with your business idea?

With the birth of my second child, I noticed that being a full-time parent and a full-time employee/business owner/active member of the community required a lot of juggling. Tools available on the market are limiting to satisfy today’s modern parent needs. Because I could not find the solutions I needed, I decided to create them!

How did you find out about Aviatra?

Through Cincinnati’s amazing entrepreneurship network.

What is your inspiration?

Every active mom and/or dad obsessed with the well-being of their children and pursuing their passions at the same time; my children.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with your business so far?

Successful Kickstarter that raised 30k and having our amazing early adopters actually using the second version of our first product MOX.

What was the most valuable thing you gained from your experience with Aviatra?

Framework for long-term planning and many wonderful connections in general–and specifically with amazing female entrepreneurs.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when starting your business?

Finding the right people with the correct set of skills to fill in the gaps between your own abilities and successful execution of company’s goals.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

Selling online and in stores everywhere!

Any advice for future Aviatras?

Take advantage and spend some time with every task the program suggests. Stay connected with the individuals you’ve met on your entrepreneurship journey by sending out regular company update emails (business update, product update, highlights/lowlights, help wanted, thank yous) – you never know who may have another connection, valuable information, or advice for something you are going through.