Meet Cindy Earl, Our New NEO Director of Business Development!

Meet Cindy Earl! She’s our new Director of Business Development in NEO!

Tell us about yourself!
I’m a wife, mom of two teenagers, 80’s music and Bravo TV junkie and small business owner living in Bay Village, OH. My professional background includes work in higher education, professional associations, and most recently, as the owner of a business consulting and coaching practice.

I started my own business after the birth of my first child and have loved the flexibility to work from home, make my own hours, and put my kids and family first. As Founder/CEO of, my areas of expertise include marketing strategy, public relations, lead generation, social media and online business tools. I’m a Registered Corporate Coach, a Book Yourself Solid® Certified Business Marketing Coach and the author of “Claim Your Spotlight: Become an Instant Expert in Your Niche & Walk the Red Carpet to Business Success.”

I am a proud graduate of Ohio University with a master’s degree in higher educational administration and a bachelor’s degree in organizational communication. Go Bobcats!

How do you contribute to our organization? What attracted you to our organization?
I just joined the team as Director of Business Development. I am in charge of grant funding, sponsorships, and community partnerships in Northeast Ohio.

I’ve been a huge supporter of women entrepreneurs for many years. I believe that women business owners succeed when they have the training, resources and support they need to thrive. I was attracted to Aviatra Accelerators because I think we have a unique system in place to do just that and the ability to serve many more women in Ohio and beyond.

Why does Aviatra matter to you? What motivates you to stay involved?
I think there is a huge need for the services and resources we provide. In the start-up world, there are many programs focused on male-dominated industries, such as technology and medical innovation, but not many that serve women entrepreneurs, who are more likely to be in service-based, products or retail businesses.

What do you hope the organization will achieve in the near future? In the long term?
I hope we will secure continued financial and community support for Aviatra, especially in Northeast Ohio, so we can continue the great work we are doing with women entrepreneurs.

I look forward to helping to lead expansion into other markets in Columbus OH, Lexington KY, and other cities and creating more programs to engage and build community among our alumnae.

Do you have an anecdote about our organization that really moved you?
I love seeing the camaraderie, caring and support that builds among our participants over the course of the 9-week sessions. They enter the Explore or Launch programs as strangers and by the end of the course, they are each other’s biggest supporters and cheerleaders.

Who is your favorite female role model?
I really admire Ellen DeGeneres. I’m a big fan of her talk show and have been watching since the beginning. I admire her entrepreneurial guts, philanthropy, open-mindedness, extreme kindness and giving spirit; and love how she does everything with fun, a sense of humor and verve for life.

Any advice to give to female entrepreneurs or a final message to share?
Done is better than perfect! As women, we tend to be perfectionists and are so self-critical.  Remember, you don’t have to wait until something is perfect to launch a new product, service or initiative. Just take the leap and the net will appear.