Questions to Ask In Order to Succeed During These Challenging Times

To say that this global pandemic has thrown us off our game is a gross understatement. Nevertheless, here we are all rocked; some of us to our core! Where do we begin and how do we shift?  How do we employ our best critical thinking and problem-solving skills and apply them to this unique, hopefully once in a lifetime experience? One of the positive aspects of our current situation is that we’re having a collective experience and are all experiencing some level of collective vulnerability.  How we all look on the other side of this is determined by how we collectively and individually respond based on our personal vulnerabilities. Yes, this is both global and personal. This is the same when it comes to business, especially women owned small businesses.

Once we have taken care of health concerns, our family responsibilities, organized our homes and established new schedules to adjust to this new normal, we have to reset our minds to think about our business, our other family members our team and customers, clients, and business partners. How do we do this? How do we shift in mid-stream, in the middle of executing our 2020 visions and strategies, and starting and growing our businesses?

During this time, we need clarity in order to make informed, strategic decisions. And all changes start with you! I have completed several degree programs, worked in various roles and planned for just about everything you can imagine. I never start any venture without going through the following exercise.

Over the next few articles, I will share simple communication, marketing, and business development advice to help you evaluate, assess, shift, and pivot. I will give examples of how business owners can sustain and be prepared to re-launch successfully having met these challenges head on.

To effectively move forward in these steps, I do suggest taking some time to sit quietly, talk out loud, brainstorm ideas in a journal or on a  white board, speak to friends, reach out to mentors and valued team members, inquire and research what like-minded companies are doing, meditate, pray, scream, and shed a few tears. But determine that you’re going to do your part to prepare to move forward no matter what.


“People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” — Simon Sinek

This is an excellent place to start! Yes, I’m suggesting start at the beginning.


  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Why is it important to you?
  • Why did you decide to start your own business?
  • Why do you think you were successful?
  • Why do you want to continue in business?


You need to always understand your customer and keep up with how they behave in the market.


  • Who is your customer?
  • Who do you serve?
  • Does your who still need you?
  • Does your customer feel valued?
  • Who is a part of your team?
  • Do they feel valued?


Know your product! Know its relevancy to the market!


  • What do you have to offer?
  • Is it still relevant? Needed?
  • Can you expand what you offer?
  • What need do you meet in the market space?


Position your company to be seen in the market on all levels!


  • Was the interaction Face to Face/Brick and Mortar?
  • Was it Online?
  • Was it Both?
  • If not, could it be both?
  • Have you extended it online?


People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou


  • How do you engage with your customer?
  • Is it effective?
  • How does your customer respond to you?
  • Could you extend the outreach and engagement?
  • How do you manage my business?
  • Is it effective?
  • How do you engage with your team?
  • Is it effective?
  • How does your team respond to you?

In the meantime, do your homework! Take time to reach out to your team. Gather them on a conference call, ZOOM or GoToMeeting, for an honest conversation. Reach out for support. We are offering free virtual support and one on one mentoring during this time. Contact me and we can match you and your business with the appropriate mentor support.

Supporting Women on the Rise,

Pamela Cone

Market Director

Aviatra Accelerators Dayton
