READY, SET, GO! – Preparation is the KEY to Re-Opening Your Business

Governor DeWine is working to set in place guidance to re-set the economy and for Ohioans to return to work. Women business owners must work towards making the necessary adjustments for their transition to be successful.
In my last blog, we discussed preparing to relaunch. If this is your first time engaging, if you have time, I suggest you go back and read the past two weeks blog post as well.

I shared thoughts and suggested actions to assist in necessary plans for a productive shift and pivot process. Pivoting is a movement in which you move in any direction with one foot, while keeping the other foot grounded. You adjust accordingly as needed. So, maybe you discovered you only need to tweak some of how you operated, that’s a 45-degree move. Or to re-open and keep you, your employees, and your customers safe you need to make a huge adjustment to maintain social distancing and implement safety procedures that’s more of a 90-degree move. Or maybe, the pandemic shed quite a bit of light on your business situation and you need a 180-degree rotation.

Whichever the case, you can do this! LET’S GET READY, SET AND GO!

I believe women view their business differently. Oftentimes, they have added variables to consider. One that may be a factor is if you have school aged children or you are caring for elderly loved ones. I suggest just as you adjusted for these special circumstances when the pandemic began, you should set those things in order first. This will free your mind and energy to concentrate on re-opening.

We always start with WHY?
Convey your why to your team before you return.
It’s also a good idea to speak to and update investors or silent partners before you return
Through your actions and energy your team and customer will feel your why.

Before you open call a virtual meeting or face to face if you’re able to and discuss the reopening. Openly discuss any of their concerns and what your plans are to keep them, their loved ones, your customer and the public safe. Show your appreciation to them for their commitment to your company. If you had to reduce pay for any of your team members acknowledge your regret in having to do so and seek to find ways in the future to recover their loss, even if over time or in phases.
Your WHO is waiting?

People are ready to move forward and come see you.
Welcome your customers back.
Inform them of any change in hours of operations.
Inform them of how you plan to keep them safe and the adjustments you have made to do so.
If you offer services, inform them if you’re ready to engage cautiously face to face if they prefer.

Utilize your website, social media, and signage within your space to welcome your customers back. When you see them face to face greet them and ask how they are. Inform of any adjustments you have made to keep them safe and what is expected of them and why.
Market changes?
Hey, you re-opened your doors, so you’re still standing! Awesome!
Your customers will let you know what they want.
Seek out new customers!
Set yourself apart from your competitors by going above and beyond expectations.

Research and understand exactly what measures are necessary to meet the recommendations to re-open. Assure full compliance with the CDC and state recommendations. Don’t just assume others share your same personal views. Adhering to the guidelines is safe. This is just as important as the product or services you offer. Be prepared and know what others in your industry are doing and make efforts to network with supporting and like-minded business owners.

Does your customer know WHERE you are?
Do you look like you’re ready to re-open?
Are you ready to re-open your brick and mortar?
Did you adjust for online purchases? Or offer online services?

Maybe you haven’t been to your location since you closed the doors because of the stay at home order. Get your team together and go down and do some spring cleaning before you reopen. Even if your product or service was primarily provided in person, you must offer something online.
HOW has your business changed? HOW will you have to do business post-COVID -19?
Be flexible in case there are set backs
Your customer and your team will communicate to you through their actions their expectations
Ask your customers for feedback. Hey, how are we doing?
Research, research, research and then implement, implement, implement.
Try new things!
Build a stronger team!

People respond to how you make them feel! Be ready, get set and go! If you prepare when the time comes to re-open, they will notice and respond!

Aviatra is offering free virtual support and one on one mentoring during this time. Contact me, and we can match you and your business with the appropriate mentor support.

Supporting Women on the Rise,

Pamela Cone

Market Director
Aviatra Accelerators Dayton